5779 Webinar Series


This webinar, coincidentally, will be held on the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  The webinar will be a spiritual/compassion driven program about living life as a mensch when so many worrisome things happen around us, whether locally, nationally, or globally. The webinar is not intended to be a political discussion. 

Navigating he Spiritual World When the Physical World Can Be a Dangerous Place

September 11, 2019

Facilitated by Rabbi Mark Biller and Harold Belkowitz

Mussar: Living a Meaningful and Ethical Jewish Life

July 10, 2019

Facilitated by Elliott Myrowitz

Mussar is a Jewish spiritual practice that has evolved over the past 1,000-plus year.  The Mussar Institute descibes its purpose  as:  “to help an individual soul to pinpoint and then to break through the barriers that surround and obstruct the flow of inner light in our lives.” 

We will post resources and other materials about Mussar in the days leading up to the webinar.  Until then, here are some thoughts from Elliott Myrowitz to help you prepare for the webinar:

I view this webinar as a personal sharing of what we have gained by studing/practicing/ and living Mussar at specific moments in our lives.  While this may be like saying how Torah play out in specific moments, I think this personal sharing can encourage those unfamiliar with Mussar to learn more, those who have some experience to continue learning and practicing, and those who are teachers/leaders of Mussar to share some of their personal wisdom.

This interactive webinar program will both continue the work we began during a Pathways session at JMR27 and provide an open invitation to those who were not there.  We look forward to an interesting and enlightening discussion on this important topic. 

Jewish Men Talking About Me Too! (May 8, 2019)

Facilitated by Ori Alon and Herb Levine. 

Spiritual Eldering - The Practice of Forgiveness (March 13, 2019)

Facilitators: Marc Kronisch, Raphael Benmergui and Yosaif August

This interactive webinar program will both continue the work we began during a Pathways session at JMR27 and provide an open invitation to begin this work for those who were not there. 

In this Webinar, Menschwork Wisdom Council members and alums Elliott Myrowitz, Mark Dwortzan and Donald Gardner discuss Jewish sources of sustainable living and how one can advance sustainability at the personal, communal and societal levels.

Background Reading:
Jewish Perspectives on Sustainable Living
Watch this Webinar

Jewish Perspectives on Sustainable Living (January 9, 2019)

Reflections on Pittsburgh (November 15, 2018)

On October 27, 2018, we were shocked and deeply saddened by the heinous attack on the congregations in Pittsburgh. In response to this event, Menschwork held an online ZOOM call on Thursday November 15, to allow men to come together virtually to share their concerns and responses. Two of our brothers, including one who lives a couple of blocks from the Tree of Life shul in Pittsburgh, each shared introductory remarks from their perspective. Men then briefly shared their thoughts in an environment of deep listening, compassion, and sensing strength from each other. 

Out of respect for the solemnity of the situation, the webinar was not recorded.

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