5781 (2020-21) Webinar Series

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Coming Up Next.....

The August 11, 2021, webinar is postponed and will be rescheduled for another date.  We appreciate your interest in this webinar and thank you for your understanding.  Please contact webinars@menschwork.org if you would like to be notified when the new date is announced.


August 11, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Topic:  What is Holiness?  What Does Kadosh Really Mean?

Facilitated by Michael Landau  

Webinars held earlier this year.....

Judaism Calls Each of Us To Be a Peacemaker

December 9, 2020 at 8:00 p.m.
Facilitated by Larry Schooler

About Larry Schooler

Dr. Larry Schooler is an active participant in Menschwork program, including JMR.  He is a father of two (Sammy, 9, and Robby, 6) and husband of one (Jolie, married 12 years). 

Larry is a director and senior facilitator at the firm Kearns & West, focusing on dispute resolution, consensus building, and conflict management and mitigation.  He also teaches conflict resolution and facilitative leadership at the University of Texas. He has a PhD in conflict resolution and has written a forthcoming book (Truth Talks) on involving the public in the resolution of massive conflict at the local, state, and national levels.”

We may think of Judaism as the foundation of our criminal justice system, with judges and findings of guilt, innocence, or liability.  In reality, our tradition offers a much more nuanced understanding of how to resolve conflict—and the mandate for all us to grow into the role of “peacemaker.” Mediator and professor Dr. Larry Schooler will share several texts that help illuminate this side of our faith and invite us all to consider what peace we can make in 5781.


Dr. Schooler will be drawing from a compilation of Jewish texts related to conflict resolution during the webinar.  You may access those texts by clicking on the Suggested Resource button, below.


Tikkun Olam: Amazing Things Happen When Mensches Take Action

February 10, 2021

8:00 p.m.

Facilitators:  Yosaif August and Cobi Waxman

This online gathering will feature the men from the menschwork community that are engaged in social, economic, and environmental action who will share their efforts to support healing and justice on communal and systemic levels. We will learn about their internal processes including what sustains them through successes and challenges.

A message from Yosaif August:

On February 10,  Cobi Waxman and I are  facilitating a webinar entitled Tikkun Olam: Amazing Things Happen When Mensches Take Action.”  It will be an opportunity for men in our Menschwork community to share ways that they are engaged in tikkun olam in order to inspire and engage others of us in ways we can make a difference.

In its deepest ways, this sharing is what brotherkeeping is truly about.

A memory.  In 1964 I was studying in the library at Fordham Law School. My goal at the time was to become a civil rights attorney.  Across the table was someone who wound up becoming a mentor of mine. I mentioned my vision and he immediately stepped in to help. Introduced me to the organization that gave me an internship in Mississippi that summer and helped me to get a part time job to support myself meanwhile. It was a critical juncture for me and, unbeknownst to both of us, he was my angel on my journey. He was my brotherkeeper.



Menschwork Exemplars Step Forward to Share Their Work

This webinar, which Cobi Waxman and Yosaif August will be co-hosting, will be featuring four exemplar activists from our Menschwork community:
Donald Gardner:  A life-long activist, who’s environmental work now focuses on “Just Transition,” enabling fossil fuel workers to move into jobs in the renewables industry. He’s been able to get industry, labor, political leaders and policy experts to sit down at the same table.  He is also working on healthcare, promoting a NY State “medicare for all” program.
Marc Kronisch:  Marc is working on climate justice with his own congregation (Pnai Or Connecticut) and the NAACP. He is helping to introduce the teaching of African American and Latino racial justice history in Connecticut elementary and middle schools. Marc was a key organizer of JMR #1 in ’90.
David Strauss:   Attorney and committed activist,  David leads his company’s legal pro-bono program, identifying social justice needs and organizing his fellow attorneys to make a difference.
Jeff Garson:  An attorney-turned psychotherapist-turned-social innovator, id spearheading “Radical Decency,” a breakthrough values-based approach to personal and planetary healing.  His current initiative is a pilot program focused on applying his concepts to business with a focus on our troubled agricultural sector.

How To Deal With Anti Semitism In the Broader Call to Social Justice?

April 14, 2021

8:00 p.m.

Facilitated By:  Rabbi Mordechai Liebling and Ralph Benmergui


Where are we today in the United States when it comes to antisemitism? 

Here are links to two videos to contemplate.

Katie Couric interviews

the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League.

Could This Video Have Incited the Jan. 6 Rioters?


Scan the QR code to watch:


June 9, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

Topic:  Talmudic stories


Where Rabban Gamliel Relieved Himself at a Roman Bathhouse



Elliott Myrowitz and Reuven Poupko

Those of you who attended JMR29 may have participated Pathways discussion of the Talmidic story of Rabbi Yochanan and Resh Lakish (Talmud Bavli Bava Metzia 84b).  

Join us on June 9, 2021 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) to discuss Mishna Avodah Zarah 3:4 How does a minority culture navigate resistance and accommodation within the hegemony? 


How did Jews manage watching their land turn into a pagan playground? In the middle of the bath house, a roman philosopher accosts Rabban Gamliel for bathing in Aphrodite’s bathhouse, the most Roman and pagan practice, surely forbidden by the Torah itself. 


But Rabban Gamliel refuses to give an inch, answering with four responses that each portray a different strategy of resistance, which some have defined as an attempt to carve out a neutral space within a multicultural society. 


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