Sample Jewish Men's Retreat Weekend

Every JMR is different and reflects the creative energy of the Co-Chairs and their planning team.  Each JMR will share the common elements of Shabbat services and Menschwork’s trademark Mishpacha Groups, which are confidential, nonjudgmental, deep discussion groups relating to the weekend’s theme.


The theme of this year’s retreat is Embodying Gratitude: Jewish Pathways to Healing, Resilience and Joy! From the Opening Ceremony to the Closing Circle, we will learn to deepen our gratitude with Jewish practices thanking the Creator for the countless gifts we’ve been blessed with. To enhance this practice, we will explore transforming blessings to God into expressions of gratitude.


Below is a sample schedule:

JMR Fellowship Program for Young Men

Eruv Shabbat

Erev Shabbat
Arrival & Check-In (3:00 – 4:30 p.m.)
Welcoming Ceremony (5:00 p.m.)
Candle Lighting & Kabbalat Shabbat
Mishpacha Group, Session 1
Niggun Jam or Drum Circle


Shabbat Services
Early Afternoon Activities (past options have included discussion groups, hikes, music, art, meditation) 
Mishpacha Group, Session 2
Mariv and Havdalah

Evening Program
Bonfire, Babka & Booze

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Shacharit Service
Morning Activity (past options have included Mussar, tefillin workshop, discussion groups, yoga, Tikkun Olam)
Mishpacha Group, Session 3
Closing Ceremony
Departure (2:00 p.m.)


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